martes, 27 de enero de 2015

Trekking Jungla Paraiso

Friday/Saturday 23rd, 24th of Jan 2015
Our first days trek was to this awesomely beautiful waterfall. It was relatively short through some really nice jungle. Gave me plenty of opportunities to photograph Neptune (Alfred's toy that came Travelling with me) in plenty of different places. But anyway:

This is just a place of astounding natural beauty. I could have sat on that log all day and just read a book. And I swam in the lake below the waterfall and water was clear and you cound even drink it if you wish. Alex told me that you can drink spring water from the mountains, not just because it is fresh and unpolluted but because the force the water is smashed against rocks destroys bacteria.

The second day of trekking wasn't so good. I slipped climbing down a slope because the rope was caught and then got loose so I fell. At first it hurt then the pain went, so we kept walking for miles through pristine jungle, up 60% gradient slopes. We were literally cutting a path through jungle no human had been to before!

I saw trees with huge spikes growing from them:
Don't walk into this tree!

Giant vines dangling from the tree

And Esteban showed me a way you can use these army ants as natural stiches! They had massive pincers, this looked painful, but anyway:

Esteban's natural stitches idea using ants

Beautiful but poisoness caterpillar by the toilet! Glad I checked the seat before sitting down 

Eye-lashed pit viper, we got this shot by lowering the camera on a long stick into his lair (by the toilet) glad I was warned before relieving myself!

Then when we got to the old poacher's camp my ankle started to hurt again. And it got worse and worse , until I was literally in agony. I couldn't really walk, but I had to because the only alternative was to spend the night in the jungle, but seeing as we had just found jaguar tracks, I didn't feel that was an option! Esteban really helped and carried me basically through the last bit then he rushed back to the camp to make hot water bath for my ankle. He gave me pain killers and massaged this cream into my leg...then I went to bed as I knew rest would help fix it. I think the fact that I'd walked on a bad injury for so long had aggravated it.

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